
Thursday, September 25, 2008

My consolation prize

I got a Mountain Dew before work. Honestly, I wanted a big 44 ouncer, but the gas station I went to didn’t have fountain Mtn Dew, so I had to settle for a measly 20 ouncer. That is the way I celebrated my BFN.

I woke up this morning feeling very “free.” I loved it. I know I will start feeling antsy again, but I want to take full advantage of this feeling of freedom. No early morning appts, no dildo-cam, no blood work, no waiting for the nurse to call to tell me what to do. I have my WTF appt on Oct 8 and we’ll go from there. I hope to get a lap done in the next month or so, and hopefully another test or two. But otherwise, I’m not going to worry about it.

Dan and I talked a bit yesterday about living “child free.” I have to say that this option is not looking too bad to me right now, or maybe it is self-preservation. Who knows. But we had a fun little conversation about things we could do, places we could travel, if we aren’t meant to have children.

In fun news…today is the 10th anniversary of the day Dan and I met. Makes me feel old. I can’t believe I met him when I was 24! And yes, we do celebrate this anniversary (Dan knows this date better than our wedding anniversary). We’re going to dinner at our favorite restaurant on Saturday night. Nothing too exciting, but we are looking forward to it.
I guess my blog is going to take on a new life for the next few months…as I get productive in other areas of my life. I do well with lists, so am going to start a to-do list of everything I want/need to accomplish before the end of the year.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Happy belated 10 year anniversary. :-) Our five year dating anniversary is tomorrow (2 year wedding anniversary was Tuesday). Anniversaries are fun!

Hope you enjoyed your Mountain Dew! And good luck with your productivity lists. I need to do that too.

Hope you have a good weekend! (I am headed to the Cards game tonight to meet one of the girls from the Nest.)