
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

13 months

How is it possible that Sophia is 13 months old? The phrase that "time flies" really has never been more true.
I posted a few days ago about some of the fun stuff she is doing, but I left some out...because, well...she is SO fun and everything she does is entertaining.

1)She loves her wooden puzzles. She likes to pick up the pieces and clap them together. But, before that she will hold each one up to her ear like it's a phone.

2) She loves light switches, and when she flips them on and off, immediately turns in the direction of the light to see what she has done, lol.

3) She hugs and pats her baby dolls.

4) She has started to pat Sierra. too cute.

5) She is a water CHUGGER. SHe LOVES to drink, especially with her straw cup.

6) She loves for me to chase after her (me on all fours). She finds it hysterical.

7) She points all the time. I greet her in the morning and she immediately turns to her closet and starts pointing.

8) She signed "more."

9) I think she's trying to sign "milk" but doesn't have it quite right yet.

10) Her favorite sport is hockey. If the TV is on (which it is ALWAYS on) and she is playing, and Dan puts it on hockey her head spins around so fast you think her neck will break.

11) The girl seriously needs another hair cut already. Mark of a true redhead that her hair grows so fast?

12) She knows that her coat means "bye-bye."

13) She continues to be infatuated with pulling everything out of drawers, and is not humored when I put everything back in.

14) Since weaning, our nighttime routine has been for her to get in bed with me while I watch TV. She snuggles her little head into the crook of my neck and drinks her milk. Once she gets tired of the milk, she will alternate the milk with her Wubbanub, and then try to put both in her mouth at the same time. Ultimately, she falls asleep nestled tightly against me. It's my favorite time of the day.

15) For the life of me, I can't get her to pose for a picture. All I seem to get lately are action shots. THe girl is on the move.

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