
Friday, August 29, 2008

The end of caffeine

I'm sitting here with my last 18 oz or so of Mountain Dew. I am giving up caffeine. Hopefully for 9 months or so, but at the very least until I get my beta. I love caffeine. I am not a coffee drinker, so mine comes in the form of that sweet, sweet, Mountain Dew:o) I went to the grocery last night and bought 2 liters of caffeine free diet coke. I actually like it, I just like Mtn Dew more.

I've been focused on being healthier and this is the next step.

Also of interest to any Estrace users. I think I have found another positive side effect. It seems to be acting as an appetite suppresent. I love to eat, love.to.eat. All of my friends can vouch for that. For the past several days, food is 1) the last thing on my mind, and 2) when I eat I get full much faster than in the past. Additionally, I actually STOP eating when I'm full. I can only attribute it to Estrace.

I've also lost 1.5 pounds since I've been on it. I gained almost 20 pounds during my IVF cycle in May. Yes, 20 pounds. 9 came off right away, and I've been struggling with the last 11 pounds. Since starting the Estrace, it's started to come off. Crazy! But I'll take it.

That's my news for the day.

14 days until FET, but who's counting???!!!

1 comment:

Lindsay and Tim said...

You go girl. I can't give up my one cup of coffee a day but I am going to try. I am taking these last three weeks to drink lots of caffeine and lots of alcohol before the long 9 months without it!