
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sisterhood Award!!!

GO ME!! Jen nominated me for this blogger award. I love that other people read my blog. I hope that means that what I have gone through has helped someone else, or at least provided someone a bit of encouragement.

Here are the guidelines for this award:
1) Put the logo on your blog or post.
2) Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude and/or gratitude. Be sure to link to your nominees in your post.
3) Let your nominees know they have received the award by leaving them a comment on their blog.
4) Be sure to link this post to the person who nominated you for the award.

The ladies I nominate represent those that have beat/are beating IF, as well as those that haven't made it, yet. I say yet, b/c I know they will.

Kelly from Not How I Planned
Kristen from Hopeful Wishes
Krissy from Someday, Someway
Jackie from Is it My Turn Yet
Andrea from Preheated Oven
Lisa from Helping Make Sense
Mary from Meepit on Parade
Jenn from When Will Faith and Hope Pay Off
Rebekah from Infertilty and Beyond
Leah from Crazy Infertile
Andrea from Andrea in Indiana

Something that's been weighing on my mind ALOT are those women who are still trying to "get to the other side." I'm sad for them and their situation, but mostly I feel guilt b/c I made it (so far) and they haven't. Kind of like survivor's guilt I guess. We've known each other for quite a while, have known the ins and outs of each others particular situation. Why was I the one to make it this time? I don't get it, and am getting rather teary just thinking about it. Of course I am beyond grateful that I did, but it's still painful to know that my friends are still struggling. I hate it. It's just not fair. I am rooting for each of them more than they know.


Hippie Family... said...

you are so sweet. It's got to be hard, and ya, I had all kinds of guilt too. My brother and his wife were in the process of finalizing adoption and I found out I was pregnant. it's a hard road but this is the design and plan for your life. Try to enjoy it and everyone knows your heart is so big you just want everyone happy

andrea said...

that is exactly how I felt, how I feel...enjoy the journey though, it is an amazing one!

Andrea said...

Thanks:) You are too sweet.

Our Story said...

Thank you for nominating me! :) You are too sweet!

I am sure it is hard, but try not to feel guilty. It was your turn! And my dear, you worked hard for it.

Someday, one way or another, we will meet you on the other side!

Don't let anything spoil this incredible journey for you.
Kelly :)

JackieMac said...

Thank you for the award - and thank you for rooting for us - it means alot.

Disneylover1971 said...

Thanks so much for the award. I totally get the remorse you feel for the ones we left behind. I am so looking forward to the day they get to move on with us!!

Lisa said...

I'm a little behind so I just read this! Thanks for the nomination!

It's hard when you move on and know that others haven't. I felt like the one left behind for so long and it's really hard to make the emotional transition to the other side.