
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Specialist #551

Avery has a pediatric GI appt scheduled. It's been a long time coming, and I don't know what's really taken so long to pull the trigger. She has been on Nutramigen formula since she was 10 weeks old. Nothing short of my eating bread/water was going to make her little tummy happy.

At her 6 month pedi appt, the dr suggested that most babies can be weaned off the sensative tummy stuff at about that age. I started weaning her...slllloooowwwwwwllllllyyyy. I did not want a repeat of those first 10 weeks. I'm talking, cutting down one scoop every 10-14 days. Things were going well, she was tolerating the other formula that I was using as replacement. And then suddenly, almost like the switch flipped back, the tummy issues were back. This all corresponded with the introduction of solid foods, as well as the onset of her UTI.

We're now back to nothing in the freaking world can make her tummy happy, even going back 100% on the Nutramigen.

I've talked to the nurses. I've followed all of their guidance. I introduced prune juice. She now gets 6 oz a day. We  cut out apples and bananas. We tryed a probiotic. NOTHING will stop the obvious pain she is in before she poops. HOURS before she poops she's in pain. When she finally poops, it's like water. As the nurse told me, she should not be in THAT much pain if there is just water coming out.

She's miserable, can't be soothed. I'm back to swaddling her full time, because it's the only way she'll sleep through the night.

After screaming in pain from 12-3 am a few nights ago, I took her in to see the pedi. She's at a loss. Things SOUND fine in there, but clearly there's something wrong. She looked at her poor little bum. It appears to be fine. Whatever is going on, is definately internal.  I think she felt bad referring us to another specialist. She made the comment that "you guys must think I can't make a decision on my own." To the contrary, she has NEVER steered us wrong, and each time we've been referred her suspicion (of whatever) has been confirmed.

So, here we go again. We now have an orthopedist, physical therapist, ENT, opthomolgist, one MRI and more ultrasounds than I can count under our belt.  Not to mention that Sophie was in the ER on Saturday night, where her fever topped out at 105 and she was having asthma symptoms. Diagnosis was a double ear infection. I haven't seen her that sick since she was hospitalized for the first time last March. I really thought she was headed back for another hospital stay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yuck. yours is the strongest family i know. poor kiddos, mommy and daddy.
xoxo's lakshmi